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The Alberta Cancer Research Biobank (ACRB) has a large open access collection of samples from several types of cancer. These samples are annotated with clinically relevant data and are available to all researchers with ethics approved research plans.
The ACRB also works with academic investigators to support the targeted collection, processing and storage of biological cancer related samples that are needed for their studies.
- Live-Cell Biobanking is accessible through an initiative supported by Charbonneau researchers.
- Robotic processing of blood into serum, plasma and buffy coat fractions is available.
- The ACRB has secure sample storage facilities, including nitrogen vapour (-1500C) and UltraLow (-800C) freezers.
- Along with configurable inventory management software, dual monitoring of sample storage temperatures and emergency response are provided 24/7.
The Clark H. Smith Tumour and Related Tissue Bank is a biorepository at the University of Calgary that was established with the goal of advancing cancer research. We assist basic, translational and clinical cancer research by collecting and providing high quality tumour and blood samples, and their derivative biomolecules, to investigators. Specializing in neurologic and pediatric diseases, the bank has provided material to investigators not only within Calgary but also nationally and internationally.
Alberta’s Tomorrow Project - The largest research study ever undertaken in Alberta. Its primary goal is to discover more about what causes cancer, so that it may be prevented in the future.