Improving Patient Experiences and Outcomes

Research Themes > Improving Patient Experiences and Outcomes
Researching how to optimize patient care delivery for better outcomes
Improving cancer outcomes focuses on care delivery through health systems and how it can be best tailored to ensure the prolonged support for patients throughout, and after their cancer journey.
Cancer outcomes research delves into understanding how patient, societal, and health systems factors affect treatment and cancer outcomes. The research also considers how different forms of treatment and care can impact the patient experience and journey, which allows teams to pinpoint and deliver treatments and care in an effective, sustainable, and equitable way. The Charbonneau is not just a research institute, but a community of cancer-focused scientists, physicians, research staff, trainees, patients, families, and communities – all of whom share the goal of making a difference in cancer through research that impacts policy, care, and outcomes.
Some of the questions we are focusing on within this theme of research include:
- Leveraging the rich provincial data and samples assets of AHS, how do we use real-world data to improve quality of care in real-time?
- How do we move new knowledge to clinical impact in the health system?
- How do we improve the equity of cancer treatment and reduce inequities across populations?