Research Themes

Research at the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute

Meeting the cancer challenge — together

Cancer is a complex challenge that involves, and is impacted by, everything from the singular patient to the entire health system. How our cells and tissues work within our bodies, our own unique health factors, and our interactions with the health system, all play a role in the cancer challenge. All of these things come together to determine who gets cancer and how they respond to treatments and care.

The goal of cancer research is to understand all these different factors and how they work together, and to create new strategies that ultimately:

  • Reduce the risk of cancer in the population.
  • Detect cancer earlier when it is easier to treat.
  • Improve treatment options and response to cancer therapies.
  • Improve the overall well-being of people with cancer – physically, mentally, and spiritually.
  • Support people as they transition from treatment to survivorship or face the difficulties of end-of-life care.

In simpler terms, cancer research aims to make sure people are less likely to get cancer, and if they do, they can get better care and support to live healthier lives and have better overall outcomes.

Members are engaged in all types of cancer research, from the basic biology of cancer to the psychosocial and long-term effects that accompany a diagnosis, including investigating the potential of lifestyle changes to prevent cancer, developing new ways to detect cancer at an earlier more curable stage, discovering how knowledge of the human genome can be harnessed to improve the precision and effectiveness of cancer treatment, improving health care delivery to ensure affordable high-quality cancer care, and understanding the special needs of cancer patients and their families and a growing number of long term survivors.

For over a decade, researchers at the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute have been working to create a better future for cancer patients, their families, and the community at large through cancer research. As the cancer research engine of the University of Calgary's Cumming School of Medicine and the Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre, we are generating new discoveries and moving knowledge to action to create a better future for patients, families, and communities in Alberta and beyond.

Everyday, our members strive towards the goal of creating a better future for cancer patients, their families, and the community at large through innovation in cancer research. Research is what enables progress in the continued enigma that is cancer. Through our research priorities, our teams are actively working on problems to address cancer prevention, detection, treatment, and patient focused support during and after a cancer diagnosis.

Our research themes

Our research addresses challenges focused on:

  • Screening, detection and risk reduction
  • Exposure science
  • Cancer prevention 

Learn more about our research initiatives and programs in this theme.

Our research addresses challenges focused on:

  • Biology of cancer
  • Precision oncology
  • Cancer Immunotherapy

Learn more about our research initiatives and programs in this theme

Our research addressed challenges focused on:

  • Psychosocial oncology
  • Cancer Outcomes research
  • Palliative care

Learn more about our research initiatives and programs in this theme