Dec. 18, 2020
Executive MBA students raise $11,808 in clothing and goods for Inn from the Cold

Haskayne Executive MBA students are giving back in a big way again this year. For the past two years, the graduate students have taken on a charity challenge for our community in need. This year the students raised an incredible $11,808 in value for Inn from the Cold by collecting winter gear, toys and games, gift cards, toiletries, childcare supplies and bedding. Last year, Haskayne EMBA students raised $9,158 in holiday gifts for the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
- Photo above: From left: Jon Zwiers, EMBA’07; Dr. Leighton Wilks, associate dean, teaching and learning and senior instructor; and Lani Rabinovitch, current EMBA student, celebrate as they help Haskayne EMBA students organize and sort the goods collected for this year’s charity challenge. Photo by Brent Snider
In addition to their academic studies, Haskayne’s EMBA students participate in a social component of their program. Students across all cohorts (approximately 130 people) are split into four groups.
By participating, students build their network, build their health and wellness, and build our local community. Alumni and faculty members also get in involved. Challenges happen throughout the year and points are gained for participation and results.
“Our goal is to create a sense of community among our students, and giving back is the perfect way to do this,” says Brent Snider, academic director of the EMBA program. “We started the charity component in 2019 and have been blown away by the students’ enthusiasm.” He says this year’s donations were particularly inspiring due to the added complexity of the pandemic.
In true student style, Lani Rabinovitch’s team took an analytical approach to their team’s charity strategy. “We put our analytical skills to use and maximized points per dollar, shopped sales and used our connections in the community,” she says. “We worked really well together, and of course got a little competitive with the other groups.”
Learn more about Haskayne’s EMBA program.