13 CIHR Grants awarded to Charbonneau Members!
Congratulations to our investigators and their research teams whose projects were successful in CIHR’s Fall 2020 Project Grant, COVID-19 Grant, and SPARK Grant Competitions.

The Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) received 20 full project grants, 1 COVID-19 project, and 4 priority announcement projects, for a total funding envelope of $15.35M. Overall, our institute’s success rate of 41% in the competitions was more than twice the national average of 15%.
Charbonneau members were nominated principal applicants on grants representing approximately $8.75M (57%) of the total funding to the CSM from those competitions.
This represents a tremendous success, collectively, for the Charbonneau Cancer Institute!
Listed below are the nominated principal investigators and project titles for each of these grants. Each week we will be featuring a story on one of these projects.
Watch for the stories over the coming weeks on the Charbonneau website!

Winson Cheung
Professor of Oncology | Director of Health Services Research, Cancer Care Alberta (AHS)
Characterizing Chronic Opioid Use in Cancer Patients
Duration: 3 years

Jennifer Cobb
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Scientific Leader, Robson DNA Science Centre
- Project 1: Characterization of Dyskerin in DNA double-strand break repair
- Project 2: The role of Nej1 in DSB repair pathway choice and MMEJ
Duration: 5 years

Frank Jirik
Professor | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Phenotypic analysis of a putative mouse model for 'STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy' (SAVI): an autosomal dominant auto-inflammatory interferonopathy
Duration: 5 years

Karen Kopciuk
Research Scientist | Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Research (AHS)
Nishtohtamihk li kaansyr (Understanding Cancer): Cancer Screening, Outcomes and Experiences among Métis People in Alberta
Duration: 1 year

Ki-Young Lee
Professor | Cell Biology & Anatomy
L-asparaginase-induced mechanisms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (aLL) cell apoptosis
Duration: 5 years

Michael Monument
Assistant Professor | Department of Surgery
Harnessing STING activation for the treatment of sarcoma
Duration: 5 years

Cheryl Peters
Research Scientist | Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention Research (AHS)
The impact of sex and gender in occupational disease prevention
Duration: 3 years

David Schriemer
Professor | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Physiology & Pharmacology
Integrative Structural Modeling of a Master End-Sensing Synapse in DNA Double Strand Break Repair
Duration: 5 years

Yuan Xu
Assistant Professor | Oncology | Surgery and Community Health Sciences
Generating EMR-Based Algorithms to Identify Hospital Adverse Events for Health System Performance Evaluation and Improvement
Duration: 4 years

Tavis Campbell
Associate Professor | Psychology, Faculty of Arts
Developing and evaluating an online intervention to improve the uptake and maintenance of protective behaviours against COVID-19 among young adults in Canada
Duration: 2 years

Aaron Goodarzi
Assistant Professor | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Scientific Director, Evict Radon
Using novel bio-dosimetry to measure personalized, lifetime radon gas exposure and transform the prevention and early detection of lung cancer
Duration: 1 year
Miranda Fidler-Benaoudia
Research Scientist | Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention Research (AHS)
AYA-PACT: Adolescents and Young Adults becoming Physically Active after Cancer Trial
Duration: 5 Years