CMF Instruments and Imaging Platforms

Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan Fast
- Laser confocal microscope with super-resolution spectral imaging capabilities
- Increased resolution/sensitivity/speed
- Samples can be on slides, in chamber slides, dishes, or multi-well plates
- Equipped for live cell imaging
- Hourly fee: $45/h

Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 with PALM 355 nm laser microirradiation
- Laser mircroirradiation platform, suitable for DNA damage induction and intranuclear relocalization assays
- Equipped for live cell imaging
- Hourly fee: $35/h

Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 Epifluorescence Microscope
- Fully motorized, inverted wide-field microscope for fluorescence, bright-field, and DIC imaging
- Samples can be on slides or multi-well plates
- Autofocus, automated tiling options
- Hourly fee: $25/h

Zeiss Axioskop COMET assay microscope
- Dedicated for Comet assay-based DNA damage induction and repair analysis
- Comet Assay IV software automatically analyses comets during imaging
- Hourly fee: $5/h

Image Processing and Analysis Workstation
- Zeiss Zen software for image processing and analysis
- Dual monitors
- Hourly fee: $10/h