Jan. 25, 2023
Richard Zach recognized by the Association for Symbolic Logic

Richard Zach, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calgary, and his co-authors Paolo Mancosu (Berkeley) and Sergio Galvan (Milan) were jointly awarded the 2022 Shoenfield Prize by the Association for Symbolic Logic for their recent book An Introduction to Proof Theory: Normalization, Cut-Elimination, and Consistency Proofs (Oxford University Press, 2021).
The Shoenfield Prize is awarded for outstanding expository writing in the field of logic. It was established by the ASL to honor the late Joseph R. Shoenfield for his many outstanding contributions to logic and to the Association. Generations of logicians have especially valued Shoenfield’s expository gifts, and his writings provide models of lucidity and elegance. The ASL awards the Shoenfield Prize every three years to one new book published during the nine years prior to the award year.
An Introduction to Proof Theory has recently also appeared in French translation.