June 9, 2020
2020 Summer Studentship Projects

The involvement of undergraduate students in research activities is a growing trend in Canada and the world. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, through the Undergraduate Student Research Awards, has long invested in exposing undergraduate students to research activities as a way to foster their interest in and fully develop their potential for research careers in natural sciences and engineering. The University of Calgary and the Schulich School of Engineering have also established various grants and awards to actively support authentic research experiences that extends to all undergraduate students.
This summer four faculty members of the Department of Geomatics Engineering are supervising research projects of eight undergraduate students, all funded by SSE, PURE or NSERC grants. The selection of student recipients for the PURE Awards was facilitated by the Geomatics Engineering Student Society (GESS).
Here is the list of projects in progress:
Disaster modelling by Anika Achari (2nd year; Health Science). Supervisor: Dr. Quazi Hassan. Funding: NSERC Discovery Grant.
Disaster modelling by Mehul Gupta (2nd year; Health Science). Supervisor: Dr. Quazi Hassan. Funding: NSERC Discovery Grant.
Fisheye modelling of wide-angle lenses by Wynand Tredoux (3rd year; Geomatics Engineering). Supervisor: Dr. Derek Lichti. Funding: SSE and NSERC grants.
Flood maps of First Nations Communities by Min Kang (2nd year; Geomatics Engineering). Supervisor: Dr. Emmanuel Stefanakis. Funding: SSE research funds.
Indoor Path Finder: University of Calgary by Helen Zhang (1st year; Engineering). Supervisor: Dr. Emmanuel Stefanakis. Funding: PURE Award and SSE research funds.
Integrating machine learning and photogrammetry concepts for the calibration of wide angle cameras by Liana Goodman (1st year; Engineering). Supervisor: Dr. Ivan Detchev. Funding: NSERC USRA.
Mapping COVID-19 by Akanksha Bhargava (1st year; Engineering). Supervisor: Dr. Emmanuel Stefanakis. Funding: PURE Award.
Water mass anomalies in North America determined from satellite data by Lisa Huang (1st year; Engineering). Supervisor: Dr. Elena Rangelova. Funding: PURE Award.