Kids Cancer Care Clinical Trainee Travel Award

Trainee Travel Awards offered on a competitive basis to eligible trainees presenting their research at an International or National conference or symposia

The Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute is pleased to offer the Kids Cancer Care Clinical Trainee Travel Award funded by the Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation. The award will be offered on a competitive basis to eligible clinical trainees studying pediatric, childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancers affiliated with the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute.

The purpose of the award is to support clinical trainees who are presenting their research at an International or National conference or symposia.

Application Guidelines


To be considered for the Kids Cancer Care Clinical Trainee Travel Award, applicants must:

  • provide proof of abstract submission and conference registration;
  • have presented an oral or poster presentation;
  • not be receiving any other travel awards this fiscal year; and
  • be a Clinical Trainee studying pediatric, childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancers.

Evaluation Criteria

If application pressure exceeds available funds, the award will be adjudicated based on the following criteria:

  • Priority will be given to talks over poster presentations
  • Priority will be given first to International conferences and then to National conferences
  • Priority will be given to clinical trainees with more seniority

Application Procedure

The completed application package must include:

  • Completed Kids Cancer Care Clinical Trainee Travel Award application form.
    • Note: Application must be signed/supported by the supervisor.
  • Confirmation of abstract submission and conference registration are required at the time of application. Confirmation of abstract acceptance is required prior to funds being distributed.
  • Copy of the submitted abstract.
  • Trainee's updated curriculum vitae (including biographical information, education, research experience, publications and abstracts, awards and honours).


Please contact Carmen Coelho at with any questions.


Please submit your completed application to