
New Discoveries and Treatments for Sarcoma Patients

Advances in molecular cancer biology, immunotherapy and targeted therapies are revolutionizing cancer care. iSARP is focused on these innovative technologies to improve outcomes for sarcoma patients.

iSARP Strategic Priorities

Sarcomas are a rare disease. New sequencing technologies enable the identification of a ‘molecular fingerprint’ of rare tumours. iSARP is working to generate comprehensive genetic and molecular profiles of all sarcomas diagnosed and treated in southern Alberta. In collaboration with the Terry Fox Research Institute and the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centers Network, we are developing a comprehensive, publicly available data cohort characterizing the genetic and molecular profiles of sarcomas. This will enable new discoveries, support precision oncology initiatives and understand how genetic changes affect disease outcomes.

Immunotherapies are revolutionizing cancer care. Using molecular profiling of clinical sarcoma samples and via integration of pre-clinical models of sarcoma, iSARP is deeply involved in the development of novel immunotherapy strategies for sarcoma. This includes molecular stratification of “immunotherapy sensitive” sarcomas, developing STING based immunotherapy, and other emerging immune-based technologies.

iSARP is also patterning with the Alberta Cellular Therapy and Immune Oncology Initiative - ACTION to identify sarcomas that would be candidates for novel CAR T-cell therapy clinical trials. 

In collaboration with the Clark Smith Tumour Bank, iSARP is committed to using internationally recognized and standardized cryopreservation technologies to ensure essential tissue from sarcoma biopsies and surgical resections can be processed and stored for long-term research applications.

As sarcoma is a rare cancer, clinical trials must involve national and international collaboration. In collaboration with the Alberta Health Services - Clinical Research Unit, and the Canadian Cancer Trial Group (CCTG), iSARP is building clinical research capacity to ensure Albertans with sarcoma can be enrolled in new clinical trials.

Sarcoma is a challenging condition resulting in significant impacts on patient and family well-being. Using newly developed clinical databases and patient reported outcome tools, iSARP will develop an in-depth understanding of the physical, emotional, financial, and psychosocial impacts of this disease and develop strategies to improve multi-dimensional outcomes and the patient experience.

We have established an internationally recognized center for sarcoma clinical care and research, which has attracted top applicants from North America and beyond. In our highly productive research environment, our trainees (clinical sarcoma fellows, surgical sarcoma fellows, Ph.D. students and/or post-doctoral fellows) will catalyze new ideas and increase the scientific reach of our program.

iSARP is accepting applications for graduate degree research programs and post-doctoral fellowship training opportunities in sarcoma research and sarcoma clinical care disciplines.

For graduate study research opportunities in sarcoma, please contact Dr. Michael Monument (

For orthopedic sarcoma surgery fellowship training opportunities please contact Dr. Shannon Puloski  (

For general surgery sarcoma fellowship training opportunities please contact Dr. Lloyd Mack (

For adult sarcoma medical oncology fellowship training opportunities please contact Dr. Omar Khan (

For pediatric sarcoma oncology fellowship training opportunities please contact Dr. Melanie Finkbeiner (

Contact Us

Dr. Michael Monument; Program Director
Office: 403.944.2402




Nkiru Ezeonyeka; Program Coordinator

Sarah Quinn; Triage Coordinator for Sarcoma



Giving to iSARP

The gifts of donors ensure our work continues to benefit lives of our patients and their families. 

To support iSARP’s mission, please contact Dr. Michael Monument ( or Megan Thomson at the Alberta Cancer Foundation ( Online donations can be made through the University of Calgary fund development office here.